Tuesday, November 18, 2008

About This Guy...

So, again, this guy in my history class. I don't know... how am I supposed to talk to him? And what if I'm wrong? What if my faulty gaydar has incorrectly spotted a straight man and I end up asking out a heterosexual? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HIS SEXUAL PREFERENCES??!! Gah... maybe I should give up on men... that might be the only cure for my love sick heart... oh my God, if I ever write anything that cliched ever again, somebody needs to shoot me. Well... not literally, I suppose, but firguratively... leave me a nasty comment. WEll, I'm gonna start a one shot now... I'll post it when it's done...


Anna said...

....Is this who I think it is?

Because....you definitely know where I stand on his sexuality.

I say gaygaygaygaygay.

And I generally have a decent gaydar (when it comes to boys). But I mean. He's probably completely in the closet. So...I say....

I don't know....


Anonymous said...

Um... I tend to think straight. (ooh, fun, a discussion!) But you know, I have no idea how good my gaydar is...I'm waiting for a few of my predictions to come true before I make any statements about it... But yeah. I've known him five years (don't they tend to be freer about their sexuality when they're younger?). I say straight. That doesn't mean another boy in our history class isn't gay... *cough I HAVE MY THEORIES cough*

Anonymous said...

Hahah. I must disagree.

He's gayer than a pride parade on a sunny day in West Hollywood.

Well maybe that's an exaggeration.

But I have my suspicions about him.

Anonymous said...

you my darling are in desperate need of a boyfriend. no offense but at the moment youre all bark and no bite. and the bite is the best part. At least in my humble opinion. Although speaking of the male in question i again urge you to make the first move. yes you run the risk of getting punched in the face but its a risk all boys must take! whether they ask out a girl or boy there is always a chance they might get their heart broken or a black eye. just go for it. and good luck cutie ;)