Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What the Hell is With Protesters?

I just read a wonderful report concerning the protests in London. They are protesting the G-20 Summit meeting thing; um, did I miss something, or wasn't this summit supposed to be for everyone? Why are they protesting? Oh, I also saw some things like "Consumers suck" and "The Death of Capitilism". I love it when protesters complain about police brutality. "They hit me on the head, we're only 18, they're hitting children..." that's what one person said. Alright, first, if you consider yourself a child, you shouldn't be at a demonstation like this. Second, what do you think is going to happen when you scream and yell and vandalize and charge at the police blockade? Um... personally, I think that "kid" should have been jailed. You aren't protesting when you start being violent: that defeats the entire point of protesting! Oh, one more thing: lots of people were drinking. WoW. Drunk, stupid English college students all protesting different things. Sounds effective to me.

Which brings to another point: Aren't we all consumers? I mean, how else do you buy your food and water and electricity and internet? And sure, capilitism may not be the best form of economics; but I don't see any of these people offering possible solutions. Dumb people just bitcha and complain but never actually take action. Hm. Sounds like liberals! Haha just kidding... no, actually, I wasn't.

I don't understand this, so help me out on this one. My parents won't let me get my license because their premiums will go up. This I get, Insurance is expensive. But this I don't get; how come I can't get my license, how come I can't get a phone, how come I can't get anything, and my stepdad can buy a motorcyle (now sold), a camper, a truck, a grill, and a gun? Not all at once, mind you, but over the last two years. These items add up. And yet, I can't drive because it's too expensive. I didn't even ask for a car! (Later, they told me that getting my license was a slippery slope because I'd want a car and I'd want this and I'd need that. I told them that was a slippery slope fallacy and they told me not to talk back. WHAT THE FUCK.) My stepdad told me to be patient, cause if I push I won't get anything. But if I don't push, I end up with nothing anyways! I CANNOT WAIT until I can move out. I CAN'T WAIT.


Evelyn said...

I personally think that riots are a very important and valuable part of democracy (no, I'm not kidding). The People need to give a good riot every once and a while to show the government/ various
corporations who's really in charge. They can't just go around screwing with our lives, jobs, and money like it's theirs. They need us (in theory)more than we need them. Big banks can afford to have their lobbies destroyed by The People, but The People can't afford to have the economy destroyed by big banks. I do agree that protesting capitalism is a little stupid, but I can totally understand the frustration with what's going on in the world right now. I think that's a problem with the US. No riots.

Anisa said...

Riots are fun!! Besides you seem to have a little riot of your own going on with that whole car thing... if you want I can come over and riot with you!
I agree with Evelyn on more intelligent riots though. People shouldn't just point out problems without giving answers!
Have a great spring break!!
I expect daily updates!!!

Rhiannon said...

Oh my God, Evelyn is so flipping hilarious just by virtue of her rants! :D There was this protest last spring (or was it fall?) right next to crew (there were helicopters flying overhead and everything), with these Greeners protesting the Iraq war, and this boy at crew was a major asshole, pulling his truck right in front of the protesters, who were sitting in the street, and revving his engine in delight. Republicans!

I agree with Evelyn's idealistic rant, but your realistic one is more spot-on in today's world. Also, I'm too jaded to believe very heavily in the amount of change that protests bring about in the US. Or any first world country, for that matter. :(

P.S. Can I please see your undies on you now?

Abbie said...

Im really disappointed in your ads. i dont care about earning more on blogspot (although i think you might). I care about meeting sexy black gay transvestite singles in my area.

Emily said...

I agree with Abbie. I did just see an add for getting Indian dates online. I don't know if that means to date and indian or go on a date in a tee pee.

Abbie said...

Hey we present in French tomorrow. Em and i tried to get soubois to give us extra time since you havent been here but it was a no-go. so call one of us or email us or something please!!! just to let us know where you are