Monday, January 26, 2009

Alright, Alright...

Alright guys I know I said that I would post sooner this week, and I know that I haven't... so I'll TRY to do it this week on one of the final days cause they're all like hald days and what not... so I will attempt to do that. I have LOTS to talk about, I just can't find the motivation to get online and do stuff, cause I'm sorta tryiong to do all of my homework and stuff. WEll, I could post this thing I'm doing for English. WE were supposed to make an "ad Absurdum" arguement for Enlgish, so I wrote a sort of twisted Adam/Eve crossover to Romeo and Juliet, except things don't really work out the way you think its going to... here it is!

Two young teenagers sat silently in a dim café, watching the melancholy moon rise into the twilight sky. There was a girl and a boy, both with downcast expressions and wistful eyes. At frequent intervals, they would glance towards one another, and then quickly divert their gazes, as if they suddenly found a crack on the wall or some gum on the floor inexplicably interesting. The girl delicately lifted a small cup to her pursed lips and sipped quietly at her coffee, then just as gently replaced the cup to its original position. She cleared her throat,
“Hey Adam.” The boy looked up at her. “This really sucks. I thought we went so well together…” she said. Her voice was almost inaudible despite the unnerving quiet. The boy nodded in agreement,
“Yeah, me too,” he said. “But Eve… no one wants us to be together…” he added. “My parents don’t want us hanging out anymore. They said that you’re a bad influence on me.” Eve smiled sadly,
“That’s what my parents told me. I guess I should thank them, though. They’ve kept our relationship a total secret.” She said.
“Mine too. They’ve kept it real hushed up.” Adam sighed and was silent for a moment. Then he said “But it’s not just them. All of my friends say the same kinda stuff. My best friend told me that you’re ‘bad candy’ or something like that.”
“I got that too. They all told me that you’re no good, and that I can do so much better and that I shouldn’t settle for someone like you.” She drew a deep breath, and then continued speaking, “Maybe they’re right.” She looked into Adam’s eyes for a moment, and then closed her eyes. “Maybe we just don’t belong together.” Adam reached to take her hand, and then recoiled.
“Yeah… Since everyone else thinks so, maybe we shouldn’t be together.” He said ruefully. “But at least we had some good times together.” He broke into a grin, and Eve smiled back.
“Yes. Old Lady Hilda’s pumpkin patch will never be the same…” she laughed.
“Or that photo booth in the mall. I almost feel bad for what we did in there.” Adam sighed again. “But that was then. It’s time for us to move on…” He stood up, and Eve rose as well. Together, they moved towards the exit, but paused momentously at the door.
“I’ll miss you…” Adam whispered.
“Me too…” Eve whispered back. They embraced for a long minute. As they pulled apart, a tall man who had been sitting at a table on the opposite side of the café approached them.
“Excuse me, but I couldn’t but help overhearing your conversation.” He said politely. “Am I correct in thinking that you two are thinking of separating?” Adam shrugged noncommittally,
“Yeah, I guess.” He said stoically.
“And pardon me for prying, but why would you do that? You two obviously have an affinity for one another.” Eve traced a small circle on the floor with the toe of her shoe,
“Well, no one else thinks we should be together…” She said shyly. The stranger threw his hands up,
“Ah, but who cares what others say!” he exclaimed, “What does the opinion of others matter to you? If destiny has led you to one another, who is to say you don’t belong together?” he smiled kindly and nodded. Eve shook her head,
“I don’t know…” she hesitated, “Everyone else says we shouldn’t be around each other anymore…”
“Hey, but maybe this stranger is right!” Adam interjected, “The only real thing that matters is how WE feel about each other!” Eve locked eyes with Adam,
“You really think so?” she asked. The stranger laughed good-naturedly,
“I don’t know. That’s up to you.” He said to Eve. She looked at the stranger, then at Adam and thought for a moment. Then, she smiled,
“I want to be with Adam. He’s the only one who understands me.” Adam beamed and embraced Eve tightly.
“Thanks, stranger!” he said jovially, “Thanks for opening my eyes. Come on Eve, let’s go.” Eve nodded and glanced at the stranger.
“Thank you, sir.” She said demurely. The pair left and the stranger returned to his table with a contented sigh.

About ten minutes after the departure of Adam and Eve, the café’s owner steps through the door. He looked to spot where Adam and Eve had resided and jerked his head towards the stranger.
“Good. About time those kids split up. They were no good together.” He grunted. The stranger smiled,
“Oh, those two? They left together.” The storeowner’s eyes widened,
“WHAT?!” he almost screamed, “But they were so close to breaking up!” He saw the grin on the stranger’s face and his eyes narrowed, “What did you do?” he growled threateningly. The stranger shrugged nonchalantly,
“Oh, I just gave them some helpful advice. It’s such a shame that everyone here was discouraging their little love affair…” The storeowner broke out into harsh laughter,
“Love affair?” he chuckled, “You thought those two were in love? They were criminals! Apart, they were just good, normal kids. But put them together, and man… it’s just asking for trouble.” The stranger’s face fell completely,
“Cr-criminals? But… but I thought…” he stuttered.
“Yeah, they were trouble makers. Took all of Hilda’s pumpkins and lit a huge bon fire in the middle of her garden and roasted them all.” The storeowner said.
“WHAT?!” The stranger cried out.
“Yep. And there was a photo booth that they vandalized pretty bad too. There was a whole slew of things those kids did…” The storeowner shook his head and faced the stranger,
“And this one time…” he started, but the stranger had already left, dashing towards a ruddy glow emanating from the center of town.

Tell me what you think of it!


Rhiannon said...

LOL! Stupid kids.... haha. I totally imagined you as the stranger who eavesdrops and then runs up to the cute lil' couple to tell them that all that matters is how they feel about each other... Ah. Hilarious. Hope finals went well for you!

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